Discover the professional athletes driving our brand forward. Welcome to our Athletes page, where we proudly showcase the elite athletes who represent our brand with passion and excellence. Get to know the faces behind the swings and explore the synergy between their remarkable talent and our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.

Jack Manley

Jack's journey in golf is nothing short of electrifying. From representing England in fierce matches against Scotland to earning a craved spot
in the under 18 England regional squad, he's consistently showcased his talent on the course.

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Kezaia Dimosi

Kezaia Dimosi, an up-and-coming golfer, originally from Paris, France, but raised in London, England. Kezaia's sporting journey began in the Chelsea academy as a footballer, but at 14, he decided to swap the pitch for the fairway and pursue golf.

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Jack Kurzberg

In 2022, Jack made the bold decision to embark on his professional golfing journey, bypassing a desirable Division 1 scholarship in Arizona. Brimming with confidence and armed with unparalleled preparation, he set his sights on challenging the world's elite golfers.

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